Golf Swing tips | Shoulder-Turn

John Dooley PGA | Expert Golf Coach
John Dooley PGA | Expert Golf Coach

Golf Swing Tip! Important notice on the shoulder-turn technique

The movement of your shoulders or the upper half of your body is quite important though-out the whole golf swing movement. Over the last number of months, I have been working with golfers that have focused too much attention on their shoulder-turn during their back-swing. This was, as they described “a safe swing movement to think about” when they felt that they were swinging the club too quickly, or their ball flight or ball strike was not as good as they would like it to be.

Which, the action can be fine in certain cases and some golfers feel that a good shoulder movement to think about when they are looking for better swing rhythm. But typically, they might have moved too much and overextended their shoulder movement or simply as I describe this action as too much shoulder-turn or an overturn. As a result of the over-turn, this has led my golfers to all sorts of miss-hit golf shots and bad swing faults. Such as; over-swinging and starting the down-swing with the upper half of the body were two principle swing faults that I observed.

But this is not the case for everyone. Also, Please bear in mind that every golfer’s swing is different and each golfer’s swing is unique to each golfer. Therefore, what I am suggesting to do, is not to try to limit your shoulder-turn or start researching how to make a proper shoulder-turn from YouTube or from reading golf books. Please note; I do not believe that there is one golf swing tip to help or fix a golfers shoulder-turn. We can agree that each golfer’s swing is different in so many ways. My experience would suggest that what works well for one golfer may not work well for the next golfer.

What Golfers Need to do

You need to work with a golf swing expert who understands how the body moves through-out the swing and that he/she can communicate to you what you need to do. I am pointing out to you as you read this note; that if you think you have a shoulder-turn problem with your swing. You may think that you are not turning your shoulders properly. You may feel that your timing is out a lot and you are miss-hitting the ball a lot as a result of your poor shoulder-turn.

Finally, visiting your local PGA Professional for Golf Lessons in Cork and taking a few golf lessons in Cork to work out your golf swing issues. Should you need further assistance please contact John Dooley PGA.