Accurate Golf Practice

Accurate Golf PracticeAccurate Golf Practice

Firstly, please may I explain that accurate golf practice is practising golf accurately. The following article identifies a stereotype of golfer and how they might practice. Also, I have a number of tips to improve how to practice and an easy concept to follow. That said, I do hope you find some points of interest that will help how you approch how you practice golf.

Initially, start by asking yourself and can you identify how accurate do you practise? Also, do you plan for what to practice and how to practice? Finally, which one the following categories apply to you?

Are you a “Boom the driver golfer?”

This is the type of practice where the golfer hits the range. Notably, after the golfer has hit a few wedge shots and perhaps hitting a few 6 iron shots. The golfer notices the sound of other golfers whacking the ball down the range! That sound sends the golfer straight for the driver and starts booming the ball down the range! The golfer is now hitting ball after ball without any practice swing or plan, except hitting the ball as hard as they can.

The Machine Gun Practice?

Do you buy 100 practice balls and beat the balls in 20 minutes? Just

Do you have “a good idea of what to do”

This golfer has taken a few golf lessons and he/she is practising their new swing movements.  Also, this golfer is almost following the practice plan agreed with the golf coach. However, they are just practising lightly and their concentration is broken by looking around at everyone else at the range and wondering how they are hitting the ball.

You have your very own “Specific Practice Plan & Log Book”

Post each competitive golf round. This golfer is taking detailed notes from their on-course decisions and the variety of shots played. This data is gathered and plotted to track performance and scoring trends. Certainly, this activity can identify where this golfer is not scoring. This golfer is specifically working on the particulars of his or her game whilst noting the contents of their practice session. After their practice session, this information is compared to the overall practice goal and purpose of that practice session. Then noted and logged.

Points to Accurate Practising:

Remember you are in control to how you practice and only you can make the difference to how you play. I would suggest taking notes on how and what you practice. But, please consider the following three steps to improving a golfers approach to practising.

  1. Can you identify each area within your golf game that is not performing? Such as fairways hit, greens in reg, putting, up and downs, bunker up and downs and etc.
  2. What is the purpose of practising? Are you working on the body and club timing, how the body moves during the swing, more accurate swing path, impact positions and centred striking. Are you working with a golf pro on a few swing skills and drills?
  3. Can you track/record the practice sessions to compare those practice actions to current scoring results?

Answer the questions for your own benefit and create segments within an excel workbook that will track, record and compare progress.


Ultimately, be specific and be accurate. The following are examples of golfing scenarios to be avoided by practising accurately for the time that you have available.

  1. The on-course golfer taking a very casual aim at the target. Then after a well-struck shot, it is painful to watch a shot missing the target left or right or overshooting the green by some distance. Alternatively, the practised golfer’s aim is accurate and it is notable that each shot played is rarely offline from good or mediocre shots played. Thus make the effort to aim the clubface and body alignment as keen as possible.
  2. The on-course the golfer makes a practice swing for the sake of doing something before hitting a shot. That golfer just walks up to the ball and plays a shot. Then complains continually about why his or her shots are not going towards the target. Alternatively, the practised golfer’s pre-shot routine is excellent. He/she makes the best possible practice swing, uses their mind to see, feel and picture the shot they are about to play. Then sets up and plays the shot. Furthermore, the practised golfer is not emotionally upset by good or bad results, he/she is just trying to make good swings. Consequently, the outcome is noted and the golfer plays the next shot without a fuss.

Golf is fun and we can all enjoy how we play and how we choose to play. If you need to work on how you practice golf? Contact me today! Accurate Golf Practice and the golfers pre shot routine.